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Artificial Intelligence

AI 3: Basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Your First ML Project

These courses are the first steps on your journey to becoming a sought-after and highly paid Artificial Intelligence expert. According to the Springboard.com website, the average salary of a machine learning engineer in the U.S. in 2018 was $ 146,085. In addition, it has more than tripled in three years. And this was just the average salary! If you want to work for big players like Google, Amazon, or Apple, strong artificial intelligence skills are probably the best way to get a job from these iconic companies. And at the same time from any company in general.

This course is the 3rd part of our Basics Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course set. Each of these courses is worth 2 ECTS study credits, totaling up to 8 European ECTS study credits. ECTS facilitates the acceptance of studies abroad, the application to foreign universities and are highly regarded among international employers. We'll be focusing on datasets and algorithms during this course, and we'll teach you the basics of using Google Colab.

In general, things related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are often difficult and can seem daunting. But this is not the case with this course! We’ll explain in a simple and pragmatic way how to get started in your career towards Artificial Intelligence expertise. During the course, you will develop a hands-on Machine Learning model you can use to impress your friends and future employers alike. By being able to build a working ML model from scratch and explain how it works to anyone, you will significantly improve your chances of getting a job as an Artificial Intelligence expert.

The Finnish education system is generally acknowledged as the best in the world. You can find out about it, for example, in the culturetrip.com article or try it yourself, with an internet search using the keywords: “Finland best education system in the world”. So it comes as no surprise that this course has been built in Finland by a Finnish top university KAMK.

So, why is this particular AI/ML online course the best choice for starting your journey towards becoming an expert:

1. There is an acute shortage of AI experts. The high employment rate for experts.
2. AI professionals have a high level of pay.
3. Simple and practical teaching methods.
4.A specific Machine Learning model that you can show off in a job interview.
5. High-quality Finnish course implementation.
  • Your First ML Project
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever